Household Waste Management

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Household Waste Management

Often times, we assist our costumer with large amount of rubbish that they have been collected in their homes

House Hold Waste Removal in Geelong
Junk Removal- Pile of rubbish on the nature strip ready to be removed

Often times, we assist our costumer with large amount of rubbish that they have been collected in their homes, yard, garage or sometimes all of the above. In today times it is very easy to over consume over spend and over store items in our homes and life. We believe that over loaded houses with too many unnecessary items make an impact on our mantel health and on our life style.

The old say, lass is more, really play an important role here, researches showed that we are using 20% of the items we have at home, the same goes for out clothing. Take a moment to think if this is accurate in your own life.

I would like to quote some of our costumers reaction after we removed household rubbish from their homes:

Tammy, Armstrong creek

"This is such a relief, I can finally enjoy going out to my garage again some of the rubbish was here since I moved in 7 years ago. I literally fell lighter it’s one of my happiest days in my life"

Denise, Corio

"I can't believe all this junk came out of my house, I don't even know where all that came from. It's great to have all this space again I fell much better already"

Tom, Geelong West

"my working shed was full of rubbish and junk I couldn't even work here before the clean-out  I just stored some much unnecessary staff. This so great to have the ability to do my work here again."

Household Waste ready for removal
Household rubbish. Garage clean-out
Collected Household waste
Household rubbish. large pile ready to be removed from garage

Our first recommendation is to think twice before we bring anything the our homes. Be it new or secondhand items. Good practice is to ask yourself:

  • Do I really need it?
  • Will I use it and if so how often will I use it?
  • How this item will improve my lifestyle and what I did before I had it?

By simply asking ourself this 3 question we will be surprise how many items we will avoid buying or bringing to our homes.

Our second recommendation is about how to decide what we going to clear and get rid of and what we keep. We can use the same practice in the reverse and ask ourselves:

  • When was the last time I used it (it can be a device, clothes or furniture- the question  is the same for all items we have at home.
  • Why do we need it in our home? (sentimental reason, practical reason)
  • how would I feel if is not going to be here?

This is again a simple way to sort and mange what we need and what is just Junk or rubbish that need to be removed.

The third recommendation is on how to get ready for rubbish removal/ junk removal. You can simply call rubbish removal service who can do everything for, additional  fee might be charge for the extra work the junk removal company needs to do. A better option is to start and organise everything you want to throw in one place ideally you can do it in the garage, on the porch or out in the nature strip by doing so i can know exactly how much volume (cubic meter) you will be removing. The volume mater because this is how you pay in the rubbish industry regardless how you chose to remove it you will need to pay for the volume you dispose in the local tip/ transfer station and same goes if you decide to hire skip bin or call professional rubbish removal service. To summarise it's never a bad idea to organise and clean your home or garden. Think twice before you bring new item home and lastly organise all the rubbish in 1 pile with good access when you cleaning and deciding  what goes to the tip.

If you find this information useful  please give us a like 👍

If you have anything to add please reach out to us we would love to hear from 😃

If you need our service or help contact us today via phone 0404 507 170, email or direct message.

Thanks for reading,


Operation Director  Geelong Rubbish Removal Service

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238 Ryrie St,
Geelong VIC 3220 - Australia
Ph.: 0404507170

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